Hello, hello. The second post on Empyrean will be a solo from me, but there are things from others in the works. We’ve been grappling with a similar theme of institutional failure and the competency crisis broadly—it’s nice to find a group of people who all seem to be on similar wavelengths, then it’s just up to our quirks in how we come to the issues and seek to resolve them. This community is a nice break from my solitary confinement, but today you might see why I belong there! 🃏
Educare and the occult history of modern education
I may speak with
later related to this, just need to figure out scheduling.I think like an educator, from the perspective(s)1 of many kinds of people. Natural empathy, mirror neurons out the wazoo, I love to know the ins and outs of human experience and this guided me into my first dedicated study with psychology—the geist of which I found horrendous. These are not people educated in the healing arts, and I would contest if “doctors” are either; yes, I thank you for this life-saving surgery, but it is likewise your people2 who ensured I get this disease or disorder. So thank you for resolving what you created, at a great price to me, an unimportant commoner. There may be some schools of merit that train the required skills, but I have not seen any in the accredited West. Autodidacts prevail in an era of grift education; however, I would prefer we remedy the situation so that now and in the future our academic institutions are transparent, honorable, and profitable as effect—not primary goal at the expense of all else—providing genuine education and the holistic training this entails.
There is immense corruption in public schools and the education of children generally, great grooming campaigns of future wage-slaves and mental illness… but to combat this you cannot yet directly confront it. We must instead revise much of our philosophy, that of teachers and their education, for the teachers are infected with degenerate practice which by design infects those on down the hierarchy: students.
Many teachers are useful idiots in a scheme to abuse children, rarely there’s a willing predator in their mix, and rarer still is someone around with the wit and courage to shit-check the predators. You see all hierarchies full of corruption and abuse, churches, schools, medical practice—predators begin to form gangs that push out any who might mess things up for them, excluding whistle-blowers and those with virtue and standards.
When I say abuse I do not exclusively limit it to physical or sexual, a great deal of it is psychological—it works to destroy their soul. This opens a door to further abuse, puts cracks in their character.
Children should not be the testing grounds for new practices, the way our society operates is wholly unethical, and if you think this is simply a good-hearted mistake you are in error—these are strategic implements that have grown over time, they refine the methods to propagate corruption in occulted rituals of mind control. If you delve into history and the inner workings of modern institutions it will trigger your fight/flight response, you might realize you’re a sheep, a predator, or a hero. And then what will you do?
The first two must change, and I do believe wolves can become good dogs, but there is a point after which you cannot be redeemed in this life. Sheep might learn to be goats, aware and doing their best in developing, but in a supportive and self-focused fashion.
And for the hero… words and a sword.
The path calls you.
I will focus primarily on adults at this juncture, educating adults and educators, engaging directly with the infections in culture as if I were a white blood cell in the memetic body. The abuse of children pains me greatly, but there are many gates in place that protect the structure; also, children are not difficult to raise, if you are grown it should be an intuitive process. A challenging and delightful art, positively stressful. There are some retarded parents and lip service to tired moms saying otherwise—where is your honor?
By unraveling corruption at a higher order, you free up all that was once tethered to that sphere—victory by conquering leaders and celebrities. By freeing those beneath a tyrant you now have an army; or it would be better to say: Those who are free, loving, and wise, will reject these corruptions innately and offer to vanquish them. That is why so much has been done to obscure us from ourselves, keeping us agitated, distracted, and in fear. By doing the things I propose, you will run out of use for me—this is why I do this, I have no interest in being a parasite, and I damn well won’t stand for them to enslave you.
Education allows you to stand on your own, in light, we are sovereign, can see where we’re going, and can act on our own.
Anything that does not provide you with this recollection of sovereignty is not education. Remember what you forgot, and grow into who you are.
There’s enough for everyone, you will be nourished.
But education is vast and holistic, I was speaking to that as the foundation. From there we can have specialized training, trade, and traits, but it does need to grow out of the foundation—which we lack. So by extension, all grown from corrupt soil becomes corrupt, as plants absorb the lead and pesticides and come onto our table. We see the same things occur everywhere, for those able to notice their relationships.
We can go about unfucking the schools, field by field, but you can’t focus only on this and expect the problems to resolve themselves throughout culture(s) as a whole. Educare begins at home, and is the transfer between generations; the economy and culture are set up to remove kids from their families and indoctrinate them as a function of the state, where they are groomed to be cogs for the economy with no greater purpose in mind—what is good and purposeful in fact “damages” the economy and the powers that be; because much of this world should not exist, and those who are educated in the true sense of the word rapidly destroy the corruptions that consume us. Awareness becomes opposition, so we must be made dull. The parents were likewise abused by their education, as is its function, so regardless of who we are and the level of abuse we went through, even if you did not go through public school, we were indeed run through the operations of a cult grooming device aimed to dampen conscious awareness. Much of the modern world is a result of discovering how to break, and then to manipulate broken people as slaves who don’t know they are slaves.
“We the people” have been occupied by forces that are not us, they do not want us to succeed, and feed off our life and efforts without recompense—a most immediate example is taxation, which is easy to see, but by god there is so much beyond that.
People do not rise through the ranks, there is no upward mobility, the hierarchy is corrupt and has been for generations, patriotism is dead and the American dream is a con pulled by puppeteers who never had to rise to any occasion other than enslaving you; the only skill they had to learn was deception. While you toil and sacrifice trying to make ends meet and survive, going through the rigors they thought would best serve them—they develop the skillset of predators as they pretend to be your shepherd.
They trade in souls, you must not become aware of this.
Memes and genes are sides of a coin
Education is the reproductive function of the culture, and you could say cults are small-scale worldviews that nestle together like cells to form an organ that is a culture. These cultures may nestle together to create a coherent body or metaculture—while multiculturalism becomes cancerous in the ways you’d expect, blurring out nuance and distinction to become a kind of thought-terminating hivemind. Metaculture can be considered alongside terms like The Universe, where nothing exists beyond it that is not thereby included in it—it becomes tautological. Coherent and self-referential.
People as personalities are themselves a fractal of this, the world functions in as above so below fractal holographic hierarchies. What we now term the individual arises due to misunderstanding The Self, and due to this we cannot properly “individuate” or incarnate, ground ourselves into our bodies and the world—we become developmentally stunted. Many of our errors emerge from an over-reliance on the divisive, atomizing faculty of the “left brain” while ignoring what some might call the higher mind, the “right brain” or “heart”.
With that, I’d like to bring attention to
for her writing on this, her interest in Ian McGilchrist’s work, and her potential involvement with Empyrean. There’s much to talk about with her, but motherhood takes priority! Good health to you and your family. As well as a book which may be in the works. Busy lady!For now, you’re stuck with me and my psychonaut musing, there will be additions and critiques in the field of psychology, psychedelics, and philosophy (lotta p’s) by several of our members. Each of these should be nestled within anthropology, including education, as we attempt to understand and improve the conditions for the Anthropos.
My personal preference for symbolic depth—how I learned to be myself
The above sections were “Luciferic”, light-bearing. Solar or Apollonic—Yang. Logical and direct, a touch of revolutionary fervor, scientific of a sort, though without its balance is deceptive. The sun brings clarity to the material world, but there is another sun that shines within.
This section is “Ahrimanic”, Saturnian, and Chthonic. Yin, Dionysus. Poetic and symbolic with more open ends and forgetfullness, ironically there is a kind of materialist inertia here—you can see each seeming opposite to contain a fragment of the other ☯️
The above section was the point of this article, thank you for reading. The rest is my musing for the more mystical types, good alchemy for those with eyes to hear. Wait no eyes don’t hear do they? 👁️
It is through recognizing and transcending both wings of the soul that real progress can be made, from the duality of Yin and Yang back to Dao you bring left and right, head and heart, into balance. This “third” single eye is that “I” at the center of experience.
I can speak in a language that doesn’t make sense to my rational mind and still extract and transfer meaning across it, actually, everyone already does this—poorly, and after a while, it does start to make sense. This is the language of dreaming and symbols, that normally remain as background processes; it is also the way your body speaks, so to know this language is to be in communion with deeper elements of self. You learn to prevent disease, see signs and cycles play out in the body, and develop an otherworldy sort of wisdom.
We live in a sea of information, much of which is ignored and has recently been termed the unconscious. This chthonic inner world can be brought to light, which must be achieved if you are to grow, for this black sun shines life into everything you encounter in the so-called conscious, waking world. You sit at the center of the black and white suns, they swirl around you as position and negation—swept up by polarity in the dance of yes and no, you don’t recognize the core observing both.
What we symbolize today as lunar was once attributed to Saturn or the black sun, the yin forces of unconsciousness and confusion, dream, sleep, and receptivity. Dionysus. You might think of the moon as the closest Saturn gets to Earth, but this might be lost on you if you don’t see how the planets and their symbols are octaves of each other, familial; for in this cosmic game we are all one and the same, distinct in our perspectives, but all is one happening. There is nothing “beyond” or “separate” from this happening. Through distortion and compression/expression this Universe takes the appearance of so many things, this process is depicted in hierarchies of heaven grounding to earth and then extending below into infernal regions.
From the Dao came Yin and Yang, then sprouted the 10,000 things.
I have found it ever unhelpful to demonize forces that we must learn to live with, it makes Yin into satan and seeks to erase her, how foolish are the modern cults of man.
Sex is the foundation of all things. I think some called it Brahma, Abraham, The Father of Nations ™️
But then there are “things” lacking “thingness”, to whom do these forces abide? Are you a thing, even when you change? How do you separate two currents of air from the sky, or of water from the sea? Does it not become a Ship of Theseus dilemma?
There is that subtle form which is not quite a definite thing but does maintain qualia of a kind. If you stop holding people to a fixed image, they start to wiggle, it’s very strange.
Don’t stay stuck on one ornament on the tree, but move about your inner being. If you have eyes to see, the Christmas tree3 can be used as a light on The Way. How many of these portals into symbolic reverence can you notice? How many “bits” of meaning are comprising this reality?
Or are you beginning to think qualitatively?
There is light behind symbols, a luminary presence that grants what we know as eyes and thought. Language is an expression of perception, most gathas and scripture relate some of that gnosis/knowing to the degree they were able, and by your ability as the reader to discern, but these texts are of another kind than the poetry and prose you’re all familiar with. A precognizance some call revelation—which does not describe The End Times ©️, but a poetic analysis of how experience arises. It is not a “historic” genre, either foretelling or describing the time in which it was written, or necessarily the past—this is what they meant by eternal truths or Truth/God/Bliss as being timeless.
The End
I got high and went musing and wrote 2 distinct styles of writing side by side, the first was earlier sober but I (now sober again) edited and added to both, so the styles may have converged in their clarity but the topics and patterns are tilted to be left brain in the first half and right brain in the other.
I figured I might as well teach what I’m talking about by living examples of it and self-analysis out in public. Getting people to mirror alchemy instead of performing it on them, which you really can’t do. People have to do all the work on their own, watch all the bricklaying you want, it won’t train the muscles.
I like mirrors a lot, the mirror neuron phenomenon is conscious for me and I navigate tuning my signal like a BUG or a BAT or a snake--more often called snake for good reason. I think if I allow myself more out-of-the-box mysticism it'll be encouraging to all those like Pageau who navigate the world with symbols and in proper accord to the dao/god intuition/faith and feel they must fit into a left-brained secular and demystified culture. It isn’t simply catering to them, it is a superior method of orientation in the world, if anything I cater to normies who can’t yet think in paradox and lack whole-brain cognition.
might write a companion piece to this, focused more acutely in STEM, but I hope you found my floaty generalist take on the matter enjoyable.(Metaperspectival) I’m to be using “meta” a fair bit as it alters many words to mean more of what I mean, providing coherence to the lexicon. Metacultural for instance, I have used this before—I prefer it to “metareligious” (which I first heard through Chris Langan) as I find culture to be applicable in all cases religious might be used, while also proving more accurate. Religio as binding agent, not the poor definition of belief in deity.
Medical industrial complex (basically all institutions function the same way you think about the MIC)
Kabbalist tree, the spinal chakras, Yggdrasil, Mithras Christmas. These are patterns calling out of their own accord, to which we relate and begin to educate the generations.
You can reach the trunk from any ornament, just follow the branches 🎭